Alex Lilja
two mugs with my stroke guide branding and stroke association branding

My Stroke Guide will be changing to bring it closer to the Stroke Association main website. We want to let you know what changes you'll see, why we are doing this work and how it will improve your experience using our websites.

Why are we making these changes?

In 2022, the Stroke Association commissioned a study to look at our different websites. What we found was that while people liked My Stroke Guide not everyone realised that it was actually part of the Stroke Association. We also realised that so many people couldn't find My Stroke Guide unless someone signposted them. There was also some confusion over where to go for health information, My Stroke Guide or the Stroke Association website as the same information was available on both sites but in slightly different format.

The study recommended that we combine all our health information in one place so that it would be easier to find and not cause confusion. As the main website is more visible, we decided it would be best to combine all our health information in one place on the main website.

What will change?

The brand

The Stroke Association brand will be more prominent on My Stroke Guide over the coming months. In the background we will be designing new page layouts that combine text, video and downloads so you can access the information you need in one place.

The forum will continue to be developed and we will provide more tools for you to feedback and suggest improvements to make it more accessible, engaging and useful to you.

Improving the user experience

We are creating a single-site experience for you so that no matter where you are on a Stroke Association website, it will feel like you are on the same site. Once you have been on one of our sites such as the shop or the main Stroke Association site, if you move to a different part of the site, you won't have to figure out how:

  • the navigation works,
  • how to search for information,
  • how to fill in our forms
  • how to get back to where they started.

It will be easier to move between the forum, health information and our blogs. You may even notice forum posts appear alongside a blog or piece of health information that is relevant to the topic you are reading.

Eventually, as we work to provide you with clear and journeys to navigate through our site and forum you may notice that the brand My Stroke Guide will be replaced with the Stroke Association branding.

The address

At the moment My Stroke Guide can be accessed from and the forum This will change to and the health information and blogs will be accessible through a address.

We would love to hear from you

As we make these incremental changes to improve your experience using our websites and forum, it's very important for us to hear from you at every stage, and we will keep you informed as we progress.

We invite you to ask any questions about these changes, or share your thoughts. We are here to answer your questions and take note of any concerns you may have.

If you have any questions you'd like to ask the team please write us a post in the feedback category here.

You can read our FAQs by clicking here.